400+ People in 7 offices across 5 Countries
Our global teams are strategically located around the world to provide market access, education and timely news and information to the business communities in the industry sectors we serve. Our diverse and talented teams are united by shared values, a compassionate approach, and a penchant for making work fun.
Our offices are located in the Eastern United States, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.
Diversified Communications
Level 22, 181 William Street
Melbourne, Victoria
Australia 3000
+61 1300 DIVCOM (1300 348 266)
Level 2/99 Walker Street
North Syndey, NSW
Australia 2060
+61 1300 DIVCOM (1300 348 266)
Diversified Communications
1101 Kingston Rd., Suite 310
Pickering, Ontario L1V 1B5
+1(905) 426-7146 or +1(888) 723-2879
Diversified Communications
Hong Kong
Unit 506, 5/F, Inter-Continental Plaza
94 Granville Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
+852 3958 0590
Diversified Communications
United Kingdom
The Brinell Building, 30 Station Street
Brighton, East Sussex
United Kingdom BN1 4RB
+44 (0) 1273 645110
1101 Kingston Rd., Suite 310
Pickering, Ontario L1V 1B5
+1(905) 426-7146 or +1(888) 723-2879